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Susan Nabors Braisted

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Susan Nabors Braisted has been dancing since age 10. Early on, she developed an interest in dance history and the 18th century in particular that has remained a lifelong passion.  She became involved in living history in the late 70’s and was shortly after introduced to 18th Century Country Dancing.  Sue worked with the late Chip (Cyril) Henderickson for over 13 years.  In 1996 her work, gave her the opportunity to choreograph dance sequences for the PBS series “Liberty, and American Revolution.”  Initially, it was a need to learn an authentic minuet that led Sue to attend Baroque dance workshops with Ken Pierce at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, MA.  But, she quickly became a Baroque Dance devotee.  Sue now studies with Dorrie Olsson and Kaspar Mainz of New York Historical Dance, has attended workshops by Tom Baird of Apollo’s Banquet and most recently has been taking classes with The New York Baroque Dance Company.  Since 2004, Sue has participated in the Amherst Early Music Festival, dancing in productions of Handel’s “Almira,” Purcell’s “Dido & Aeneas,” Campara’s “L’Europe Galante,” Cavalli’s “Ariadne,” and Purcell’s “Dioclesian.”